Pumas 4 Palin

Posts Tagged ‘Bill Whittle

It’s been a long journey for this PUMA.

2008 remains the worst, unforgettable and unforgivable year of nasty politics glorified by the official Democrat partee, high water marked by their premature and pompous declaration of a candidate even before the convention. Thereby, the Democrat partee proved eminently undemocratic and arrogant and unpatriotic. They shut out Hillary, and shutdown debate or even a semblance of openness. And went on to manufacture a scripted convention and a sock puppet candidate.

It was a tale too painful, but was parturition of the PUMAs.

This blog’s transition began as a disillusionment with the Democrat party’s head honchos in Washington DC, the deception and crookedness that went on during the Dem primaries, 2008, exceeded only by the shnanigans at the DNC-RBC meeting; the sloppy, lazy, fawning posturing by the  New York media’s elitist world – their obsession with Obama and hatred of the Clintons on shameless display in the year 2008 was amazing – the continued open expression of contempt for all things American, politics of destruction and deception, and the unholy melding of ultra-left screed with propagandist populism practiced by the vast left wing political machinery, and the total take over the major new media platforms by the wackos of the Left, plus the frustration with the endless apologizing for American policy ideas and practices — all of this is too much even for lifetime’s worth of disappointment.

To dissent, criticize and disagree polemically is one thing, but to demonize, brainwash the young and destroy responsible discourse, as the Left has done in the last three years has driven quite a few away toward the Right. Watching Sarah Palin being destroyed from the moment she entered limelight breaks one’s heart. The disgust and cynicism engendered thereby, and suffered by the middle of the road populace seeks out amelioration, and that’s where Bill Whittle comes in.

No American should be denied the benefit of Bill Whittle and his wit and wisdom. If you do not know who Bill Whittle is it’s lucky that you are reading this before it got too late.   You’ve just gone too long without.

Bill Whittle has made numerous video for Pajama Media TV. Regardless of your party affiliation, ideological bent, or stage of life, there is a Bill Whittle video that’s bound to affect you profoundly.   So, get yourself over there and enjoy his videos. Until you have  seen one of his wonderful, thoughtful and rousing videos in the Afterburner collection at Pajamas Media Television, you do not deserve to call yourself an American.

Yes,  there is a Bill Whittle video that addresses you specifically, but everyone should see all his videos.

Recent address to the Hip Crowd of new graduates

Commonsense view of Mass Mosque

About America!

Power of the Imagery and Symbolism

A personal observation:

One of the videos that remains seared in the mind is this oratorio to the United States, in which Bill Whittle  demolishes our fearless leader’s admiration for ‘the country of his birth’

“I believe in American exceptional-ism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptional-ism, and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptional-ism.”

(President Obama, when asked if he believed that America was “exceptional,” in world affairs.)

This is a left-handed compliment if ever there were one.

This insult to America exceeds all personal insults hurled at people.

This is more offensive than “You are likable enough, Hillary.” of the primary season debates of 2008.

This is more offensive than the ‘lipstick on a pig’ reference of the general election rally.

This is more offensive than “For the first time in my life, I am proud to be an American.” comment of his spouse, our now First Lady.

This is a thousand times more disgusting than spouting paeans to the destructive cult of Islam at Cairo, a few months back.

This is the ultimate attack on the well-grounded, self-pride of four hundred year-worth American ingenuity, inclusiveness, rectitude and idealism.

Most shameful of all, this should not have come from an American President, period. . Shouldn’t the first job of a First Citizen be at least be an American? Why should this not be an offense deserving of removal from office. Haven’t we have had enough of ‘malaise?’

Video that made this Puma cry

Video that made this Puma cry

Should one man’s search for his father’s dreams be allowed to become the nightmare to a nation?

When will America wake up?

George Bush’s non-leadership drove millions of Americans to Arianna’s  Huffington Post since 2002. The MSM’s handling of Hillary and Sarah, and Obama during the last two years has driven other millions away from the netroots media.  Some went in search of authentic conservative alternatives. Pajamas Media has become, since 2005, a bastion of conservative thought, news and information.


The author of this post has deleted all bookmarks related to HuffPo. Nowadays, Pajamas Media is all the news and opinion this PUMA needs to be informed.

And, Bill Whittle.

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